A record number of athletes have been disqualified from the 2012 London Olympics Games according to the Inside the Games article (Record number of London 2012 disqualifications shows justice been served, WADA President claims by Duncan Mackay, August 13, 2020).

A programme that saw more than two-thirds of 5,000 urine and blood samples taken at London 2012 re-analysed to test for banned performance-enhancing drugs, leading to an Olympic record number of disqualifications, has sent a clear message that athletes who have cheated can never rest comfortably, it has been claimed.

On Wednesday, August 12, the eight-year statute of limitations expired which saw the end of post-2012 Olympic Games testing of stored samples.

Apparently the end of London testing will mark the beginning of the testing from the 2016 Rio Olympics Games.

From London, the Russians had the most athletes disqualified with 46, Ukraine was second with 17 and Belarus 16. The full list is available at the Inside the Games article.

SHOESTRINGS: Russia continues to be functioning in a state of chaos. On Wednesday, director-general of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) Yuri Ganus was told that he will find out his fate on Aug. 28. The Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) will deliver the decision on his position with RUSADA.