From Athletics Canada

Athletics Canada’s network of High Performance Hubs will grow this year, with the addition of a new Montreal-based Hub for Athletics Canada athletes, coaches and support personnel.

“The Quebec Hub will provide services to all athletes on our Canadian Athletics Performance Pathway (CAPP),” said Athletics Canada High Performance Director Simon Nathan. “We plan to employ a sprints coach and create a world class daily training environment for sprinters and will look to add additional coaches and event groups over time.”

With a goal of establishing a permanent home in Montreal’s Institut National du Sport du Québec (INS) by 2025, Athletics Canada’s Quebec Hub is likely to use a mix of facilities and services at Claude-Robillard Stadium, McGill University and INS in Montreal in the interim.

Athletics Canada High Performance Hubs

A key element of Athletics Canada’s 2022-2028 High Performance Plan, the purpose of all Athletics Canada High Performance Hubs is:

  • To provide a world-class daily training environment for CAPP athletes including all of the facilities, coaching and services required to win medals at Benchmark events.
  • To be a base for the program’s Sport Science, Sports Medicine and Innovation (SSSMI) service providers.
  • To be a base for the program’s employed coaches, allowing their athletes to benefit from the facilities and broad range of SSSMI services on offer.
  • To function as a “drop-in” service for all CAPP athletes, which may be for short- to mid-term periods of training, or to address specific SSSMI needs (testing, diagnosis, treatment, etc.).
  • To function as a “knowledge centres” for the HP program and as the base for group HP activities (such as Para classification days, CAPP onboarding meetings or domestic pre-travel holding camps).

Athletics Canada’s High Performance Plan is refreshed every Olympiad. The purpose of the Plan is to systematically guide and support Canadian athletes along a sustainable pathway to Olympic and Paralympic medals, targeting athletes selected to CAPP and supporting all athletes selected to represent Canada in international competitions.

The Quebec Hub is expected to be operating out of its interim facilities in Montreal starting this Fall.