One of Jerry Schumacher’s best athletes, Chris Solinsky, who owned the American record for 10,000m and was the first non-African person to run under 27:00 for 10,000m is moving on to coaching. The top is a perilous place, so it seems.
Chris Solinsky, whose 26:59.50 in 2010 made him the first non-African to break 27:00 for 10,000 meters, is leaving Portland, Oregon, where he’s part of the Bowerman Track Club, to be an assistant cross country and track coach at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.
“I always wanted to get into coaching,” Solinsky told Runner’s World Newswire. The William and Mary job is “the perfect storm of giving me the experience that I need to get into collegiate coaching and allowing me to pursue running, still, for the next two years to get my bucket list [item] of being on the Olympic team.”
Read the rest at Runner’s World