From World Athletics newsletter.

Looking ahead to a busy 2022

As this memorable year draws to a close, there is much to look forward to in the New Year.

The World Athletics Championships Oregon22 on 15-24 July will of course be the big focal point of the year, but four other World Athletics Series events will take place throughout 2022: the World Athletics Race Walking Team Championships Muscat 22 on 4-5 March, the World Athletics Indoor Championships Belgrade 22 on 18-20 March, the World Athletics U20 Championships Cali 22 on 1-6 August, and the World Athletics Half Marathon Championships Yangzhou on 13 November.

And of course, throughout the year the world’s leading athletes will compete in various annual series such as the Wanda Diamond League, the World Athletics Continental Tour, the World Athletics Indoor TourLabel road racesCross Country TourCombined Events Tour, and Race Walking Tour.

Adding in various area championships across a range of age groups and surfaces, 2022 is set to be a busy and exciting year for the sport.

We’d like to take this opportunity to wish the World Athletics family all the very best wishes for the new year.

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The return of Person of the Week

During part of 2020 and 2021, Athletics Illustrated trialled a feature called “Person of the Week.” Each week someone involved with the sport of athletics would be mentioned along with their accomplishments. The weekly feature took suggestions from the world of athletics to decide who would be honoured.

Looking back on the performance (readership/engagement) the feature proved popular and will return to 2022 with some renovations.

They will be posted on Mondays each week.

More to come on this.