Cover photo credit: Glen Langille
© Copyright – 2018 – Athletics Illustrated
Make room world-record joggler Michal Kapral, there is a new ballsy-joggler on the world running scene.
Although Michael-Lucien Bergeron of Halifax, NS hasn’t joggled the marathon like Kapral has – who owns the world record of 2:50:12 – Bergeron just broke the Guinness Book of World Records for the 10K distance. The record is still pending video verification.
The current ratified record is 36-minutes and 27-seconds. Bergeron cleared that time by 51 seconds finishing the Navy 10K in Halifax last Sunday in the time of 35:36.
Joggling, for those who don’t know, is juggling three objects, while running. In the case of Kapral and Bergeron, they do it with their balls.
Asked about his main goal going into the race, Bergeron told Athletics Illustrated, “My main goal going into the race was to get the World Record, but I was only hoping for a few seconds under the Guinness record time. I knew I had the speed having joggled a 16:56 in a 5K a few weeks ago but was not sure of my ability to go over a 10k.”
Bergeron will have to submit video evidence of him tossing his balls, that covers the entire race as well as witness testimony and confirmation in writing form the race director. The ratification process can take a few months to finish.
The race can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/NSJOGGLER/videos/412091869316557/
Bergeron regularly runs 100 to 120K per week in training with 20-30K of it joggling.
His best non-joggling 5K was finished in the time of 16:25, while his best road 10K is 35:00. He has run the half-marathon as fast as 1:16:45.
Asked about how he felt about his performance he said, “The first reaction I got was a big relief. I had my wife, colleagues, and friends with me at the finish line and I took a knee down to savor this moment.” While holding his balls.