From Inside the Gamesneedles-and-medication

More than 4,000 athletes were not drugs tested in 2016 before competing at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Independent Observers report has revealed.

The 55-page report outlined that a full 2016 test history on athletes on the International Olympic Committee’s entry list the week prior to the opening of the Athletes’ Village had been conducted by a Pre-Games Intelligence Taskforce.

At the time, 11,470 athletes appeared on the list, with 4,125 found to have had no record of testing in the year.

The Taskforce also highlighted that 1,913 of those athletes had come from the 10 sports deemed to be at the highest risk.

It was claimed by the Taskforce, which consisted of the National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs) of the United States, United Kingdom, Denmark, Japan, Australia and South Africa, claimed it highlighted the “(in)adequacy of test distribution planning by IFs and NADOs in these sports”.

The full test history and 38 pages of specific athlete intelligence and recommendations was claimed to have been handed to the IOC and Rio 2016 prior to the Olympics.

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