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Vic City Elite in Victoria, BC has partnered with the 2020 Pan Am Cross Country Cup to put on a youth cross-country meet to happen on Sunday, Dec. 8.
Athletics Canada’s West Hub, the Pacific Institute for Sports Excellence (PISE) and post-collegiate run club Vic City Elite are organising the meet, which will take place at PISE.
It will be a test run for youth who wish to race in the Nations Cup at the Pan Am meet taking place Feb. 29, at Bear Mountain Golf Resort. It will be a great opportunity for kids to try running cross-country outside of school.
“We’re excited to be partnering with the Pan Am Cross Country Cup to be putting on this event,” Says organizer Rob Denault, who is an athlete with Athletics Canada West Hub. “We think this is a great initiative to help build excitement and momentum for the Nation’s Cup and other community races that will be put on at the championships in February.”
At the civilized time of 11:30 am, ages 5-6 will compete in the 1K race, 20 minutes later, 7-9 get to go 1.5K and at 12:20 a 2K is on for ages 10-12.
Kids can race on their own as well as sign up in a team of four.
Check-in and warm-up at 10:15 am.
94Forward, the legacy from the 1994 Commonwealth Games is also sponsoring the meet.
“This race hits our own group’s objectives from a community outreach perceptive,” added Denault. “We hope to increase our own awareness within Victoria, share our stories with the youth, put on a fun event and ultimately get more kids running!”
Registration is $10.
Register here: https://www.trackie.com/online-registration/register/vic-city-elite-youth-xc-challenge/37423/
Hashtags: #ICANRUNTOO, #RunWild