Author: Alex Hutchinson

Genre: Science

Publisher: Mariner Books

Pages: 304

Publish date: 2025

ISBN: 978-0-06-326976-7

The review

Alex Hutchinson, former scientist, now journalist and author returns with an intriguing exploration into the mind, history, and DNA of the risk-taking explorers of the past and present. He attempts to provide answers as to why we roam with intent.

Hutchinson is the New York Times best-selling author of Endure: Mind Body and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance. Both Endure and The Explorer’s Gene are top-shelf reads for anyone even mildly interested in exploration.

We are wired to explore and it is primal. The latest science tells us that exploration in any way — whether it is trying a marathon race, changing dietary habits, or attempting a new career, there is an origin story to it. Some of us are more exploratory than others. So we think.

Hutchinson explains that exploration is very much alive in us today. It manifests in everyday life.

The Explorer’s Gene weaves exploration with the latest studies from behavioural psychology and neuroscience. The writing provides profound insight into why we continue to search for new challenges.

One new theory of the brain is called predictive processing. We push toward new boundaries and explore the uncomfortable. We are sometimes uncomfortable being comfortable.

Few if any other animals do this. The novelty gene is — as far as we know — unique to humans. Interestingly, the brain does not simply receive information, it creates signals anticipatory of what is about to happen next. This may or may not explain the propensity for some people to bet on anything and everything (sports betting is all the rage).

Hutchinson defines behavioural psychology, as related to a number of tendencies including gambling, business, and urban planning of all things.

If you have never felt the urge to explore, localized or exotic, or take up new challenges even in art, music food or friends, you may after reading this fascinating book. You will discover why we enjoy and find ourselves more productive and gain a sense of reward when we break out of old habits.

The Explorer’s Gene is a recommended read.

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